Language customization


oStorybook uses the JOrtho API tool for spell checking. Dictionaries are available, including:

  • English en_us.gif
  • Catalan catala.png
  • French fr.png
  • Hungarian hu.png

List of available languages

If the dictionary you are looking for is not available, don't hesitate to ask for it on the help forum. We currently have a reserve of 54 dictionaries that can be made available on request.

To install a dictionary, go to the "Help" menu, submenu "Spelling". You can also correct your personal dictionary there.

Building a JOrtho dictionary for oStorybook

File format

Dictionaries are files containing a list of words. Each word is stored on a separate line. The word list is saved in UTF8. The resulting file is compressed.

How to proceed?

Dictionaries are based on a list of words. Here's a step-by-step description of how to build a new dictionary.

  1. Dowload data from the Wiktionary project.
  2. Extract the XML file from the compressed archive you've downloaded.
  3. Download the BuildDictionary tool.
  4. Run the command : java -Xmx256M -jar BuildDictionary.jar
  5. Select the language and choose the file containing the word list, then press the "Build" button (this may take a while).

The resulting file takes on a name like dictionary_fr.ortho, the "fr" changing according to the language code selected in step 5. Copy this file to the dicts subdirectory where oStorybook is installed (in your home directory ".oStorybook5").

About JOrtho

JOrtho (Java Orthography) is an open-source spell-checking tool. Its dictionaries are based on the free project Wiktionary which allows you to manage all possible languages or any list of words contained in a UTF-8 text file.


JOrtho is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) for inclusion in projects released under a compatible license. oStorybook and BuildDictonary are also licensed under the GPL.

Who is responsible for JOrtho?

JOrtho is an Open Source project by i-net software. But the oStorybook adaptation is integrated into the oStorybook project. You can download the source code of BuildDictionary.